Southern Whitetail Outfitters operates on 100% fair chase, privately owned properties in Western Kentucky. We have absolutely NO TROPHY FEES. The bigger, the better! Your success translates to our success.
Whitetail Management
The minimum at SWO is 130" for archery season and 140" for rifle season. We strictly manage this to ensure that we're allowing the deer to grow to their full potential. We will go over how to determine the size and age as well as show you specific and up to date trail cam pictures where you will be hunting. There is a $1000 fine for deer smaller than the minimum limit.
This year, we have invested heavily in Moultrie Mobile cameras and modems throughout our properties. This minimizes pressure, allows us to stay on top of trail cam pictures via an app on our phones and allows us to see pictures in real time.
Tree Stands and Blinds
We utilize Millennium and Summit tree stands, known for their comfort, safety and high quality engineering. We have both ladder stands (18-21 ft), m50 hang ons, and monster hang on stands equipped with added foot space and a fold up seat for easy movement during archery season. We also have Barrronett blinds throughout our properties.
Feeders, Food Plots and Agriculture
All of our properties are farmed agriculture with either soybean or corn. In the early season, we utilize our food plots and high volumes of shelled corn. We have numerous summer food plots as well planted with Eagle Seed forage soybeans, clover, or chicory blends. After the agriculture is harvested, we also plant winter food plots consisting of brassicas (turnips, radishes). Food plots allow us to ensure that the deer herd is adequately fed with low pressure.
To inquire about or to book a hunt, the first step is to call Lodge at 863-634-7094 or send us an email at swokentucky@gmail.com. Let us know if you are booking for 5+ people, as we have group and corporate rates available. We look forward to speaking with you about your future hunt at Southern Whitetail Outfitters!
Kentucky Hunting Information
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required within 10 days of booking to secure your hunt.
Remaining balance due on August 1st.
Cancellation Policy
The deposit is non-refundable, however if you notify us of your cancellation 90 days prior to your hunt, you are subject to a refund (less your deposit).
If you notify us of your cancellation less than 90 days prior to your hunt and choose to move your hunt to a different date, you may use your applied funds towards that hunt (less the deposit).
SWO is able to work with different dates/longer hunts than what is listed above, depending on our schedule.
Please call Lodge for any inquiries - 863-634-7094.
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